Located in Jersey City (near the PATH train), Anahata Wiccan Grove is a Pagan group affiliated with a Gardnerian coven.
What does that mean?
It means that we assume you’re joining us because you have interest in being initiated into a coven. Maybe you’re not sure that’s what you want–that’s okay. Joining us is a journey of discovery: You may find that you feel at home, and fulfilled. Or you may discover we’re not a good fit for you, or that Wicca isn’t for you. Any of these discoveries is fine, if it’s the right one for you.
Likewise, entering into the process of studying with us doesn’t guarantee initiation. We’re learning about you as you’re learning about us: it’s a journey that we embark upon together.
We are inclusive, queer-friendly, and run by an LGBTQ+ couple.
- Tradition: Loosely, a “denomination” of Wicca: ritual style, structure, rules, and all sorts of things will vary from tradition to tradition.
- Gardnerian: A tradition of Wicca that is initiatory and oathbound, meaning you must be initiated by another Gardnerian to be a part of the tradition, and initiation involves taking an oath of secrecy. Obviously, if we took an oath of secrecy, we won’t be revealing those secrets in our Pagan rituals! Anahata’s rituals are consistent with our Gardnerian understanding of Wicca without giving away the store.
- Pagan: Pagan can mean a lot of things. Loosely, it is any polytheistic religion. In our tradition, we use the word “Witch” for an initiate, and “Pagan” for a seeker or student.
- Coven: While many people use the word “coven” to mean any group of Wiccans or witches, in our tradition, the word is used to mean a group of initiates meeting in a family-like atmosphere. The word for a Pagan group like Anahata is “grove,” “circle,” or “Outer Court” (in contrast to the coven, which is the “Inner Court”).